Monday, July 6, 2009

My vitamin for life

Black and white, cut right down the middle, backside with smudges and tape markings -- yet the most precious in my photo collection.

Jenny and I have other photos together that are far more interesting -– until one flips it over.

Jenny must have been in Kindergarten or Grade 1 when she wrote “This is the one I love” on the back of my portion of the photo. Perhaps it was at a time when I was at work. Or one lazy afternoon at home. Or perhaps one time she just missed me badly.

It doesn’t matter. That one line tells everything a mother wants to know.

Looking back, those six little words have bailed me out of many trials, kept me going through some of my darkest times. More than 30 years later, and Jenny and I are no longer just parent and child but real buddies too, they continue to wield their power.

A loving daughter's scribbling on the backside of a dirty old photo -- a simple yet amazing tonic from a God Who knows exactly what this molther needs.

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